
In the age of fast fashion, the production of clothing has skyrocketed with a staggering 100 billion items created annually. Representing a remarkable 50% increase in just 15 years. Consequently, the demand for natural fabrics has soared, causing the cost of these materials to rise at an alarming rate.

In our quest to combat the negative impact of fast fashion, Knightanium is dedicated to offering the world a wide range of meticulously crafted, high-quality garments. By blending the art of tailoring with a Le Sape inspired aesthetic, Knightanium creates garments that are engineered to elevate your personal style & spirit much like the armour worn by Knights.

To achieve this, we will utilize a combination of premium materials, including 100% organic vegan fairtrade cotton, as well as 100% recycled polyester for our outerwear when required. By employing these sustainable fabrics, we aim to create clothing that not only meets the highest standards of style and durability but also aligns with our environmentally conscious values.